Endgame: Black Artists on an Urgent Black Future at the Fabric Workshop & Museum (Philadelphia)
The Fabric Workshop and Museum:
1214 Arch St,
Philadelphia, PA 19107
Endgame: Black Artists on an Urgent Black Future
January 11, 2020
12:00 pm to 5:00 pm
Jacolby Satterwhite, Reifying Desire 6: Island of Treasure (video still), courtesy of Electronic Arts Intermix (EAI), New York, 2013.
Organized in collaboration with FWM, the Center for Afrofuturist Studies, and Public Space One on the occasion of the FWM exhibition, Jacolby Satterwhite: Room for Living, Philadelphia poets and artists will work together to produce this experimental public program led by poet An Duplan. Working across mediums, the artists will generate strategies for catalyzing immediate and radical futures of marginalized peoples in the current pressurized climate of the United States. How can artists of color ensure their own ‘room for living’?
The public program will be preceded by a reception at The Fabric Workshop and Museum—free and open to the public—on Friday, January 11 from 6:00-8:00pm.
Find out more and register at: https://fabricworkshopandmuseum.org/event/endgame-black-artists-on-an-urgent-black-future/