Open Call for Luthers
12.10 - 12.12.2022Location
Dec. 10, 3-5pm, Gabe's
Dec. 11 & 12, 1-4pm, Englert Theatre
Iowa City
L. Franklin Gilliam and Center for Afrofuturist Studies present:
🎤Open Call for Luthers. This open invitation seeks Luther-lovers and the Luther-curious to channel and reincarnate the legendary performer for a filmed archive.
Project Description:
🎤Open Call for Luthers is a filmed experience of co-creation and collaboration. Part audition, part screen test, it invites participants to reflect upon different stages in Luther Vandross’s life and career. Participants will channel Vandross by singing, lip-synching, or freestyling short pre-selected songs or songs of their choosing.
Each Vandross persona is its own discrete star text, presenting different ages and stages in his art and life. The tagline of this project—Everybody, every body. Never too much—underscores the fact that love for Luther transcends race, identity, ability, or gender.
More details & RSVP:
The Artist
L.Franklin Gilliam
Artist website, Bio by Greg de Cuir, Jr, Moving image works
The Collaborators
John Brattin, Zoe Fitzpatrick Rogers, Jenelle Stafford
Support and Special Thanks
Melissa Anderson
An Duplan
John Engelbrecht
Center for Afrofuturist Studies
Public Space One
The Englert Theatre